Monday, October 30, 2017

For the first time ever..

... the weather men said that the Northeast monsoon shower will start that day and it did.I can't believe it.Never has the local meteorological department been this right with their predictions. Surely there is a first for everything.

The showers started a couple of days ago and it has been a very pleasant climate since then. Mild rain and cloudy sky are my favourite things and from what I heard this is also the first time the northeast monsoon rain is on time. Looks like it will go on to put up a good show and am loving it.. :).

Picture from the archives.. Plants enjoying the rain back in August.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The weather Gods..

..always have different plans than mine. Tonight the Orionids meteor shower will peak and it is supposed to be a good year for them and I had a plan in mind to wake up after midnight and witness the shower. But right from afternoon it has been cloudy and just now it became completely dark (and it is only 4'O clock now) and started raining. 

I doubt the clouds will clear .. there are too many cumulonimbus clouds currently adorning the sky and a heavy rainfall is predicted in parts of the country. Too bad for my plans .. but good for the garden plants, so I'll compromise and wait for the Leonids meteor shower.

                                       *my first search result on Orionids shower in you tube and really liked it..

Friday, October 20, 2017


I couldn't do a detailed post at this point of time but I will say this.. we had a glorious deepavali celebrations at our sweet home this year. We had so much fun playing, dancing, firing crackers and feasting. I am very grateful for this wonderful festival and for all the fun we had this past week. If time permits I wish to do a detailed post but for now I will stop with a snap of this double sangu chakram that fired up in the terrace.


Saying nothing sometimes says the most Emily Dickinson