Sunday, December 31, 2017

Looking forward..

In the blogging front, I had only one goal set up for the year 2017 and that is to keep the blog active as much as possible and to keep it focused on positive things. I am happy I did that. Personally I close this year with mixed feelings and I was introspecting a lot as the year came to an end. Out of pure chance, yesterday evening I joined my nephews and niece for a movie watching session. They were watching Kung fu panda 2 for the first time, I had watched it once before and did not care to join until the climax and thought of sitting with them for a minute finally and that is when I heard this dialogue. It was as if he was speaking directly to me...It was as if the Universe was sending me this message.

Po: Shen, you've gotta let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.

This is what I will take from 2017.What I choose to be now!. No more fretting of the past, no more complaining. My conscious effort to improve will someday come to fruition and I hope in God. 

Thanks to every single person who visited this space this year, especially to those who kindly left a comment and said hello. Enjoy the new years eve and I will see you in 2018. Bye for now.


Thanks for stopping by.Would love to hear your comments ...


Saying nothing sometimes says the most Emily Dickinson